Herb, Plant & Curios Correspondents: Folkloric & Historical Uses
NOTE: This page is still under constructionโlots of edits, additions of information, etc.
Most of the resources I used can be found on this page. This information is copied directly out of my own personal Grimoire and there can be a lack of information from other practices or cultures. This blog will be ever changing as I read more and others submit more references and information to me.
Acacia (Acacia Senegal):
Gender: Masculine
Planet: Sun
Element: Air
Deities: Osiris, Astarte, Ishtar, Diana, Ra
Powers: Protection, Psychic Powers
This wood is burned in sacred fires across India. Use with sandalwood to stimulate psychic powers.
Adam and Eve Roots (Orchis spp.):
Gender: Feminine
Planet: Venus
Element: Water
Power: Love, Happiness
Carry the two roots in a small bag to attract love. They are given to a couple to ensure continued happiness.
Acorn (klasdfjlasdf):
Planet: Jupiter
Power: Money, Longevity, Wisdom
Add to autumn equinox altars to invoke nurturing and safekeeping during winter months. On a full moon or a thursday on a waxing moon, wrap an acorn in a dollar bill and keep in the pockets to attract money and help hand finances wisely. Good luck, personal power, protection and wisdom. Dried acorns are a natural amulet for youth. Associated with Litha and Mabon. Wisdom and Prosperity.
Adderโs Tongue (Erythronium americanum):
Gender: Feminine
Planet: Moon
Element: Water
Powers: Healing
Soak some adderโs tongue in cold water and apply it to a wound or bruise (wrap in piece of cloth) until the herb grows warm. Bury the wet herb in muddy place.
African Violet (Saintpaulia ionantha):
Gender: Female
Planet: Venus
Element: Water.
Powers: Spirituality, Protection
The purple-colored flowers and plants are grown in home to promote spirituality within it. They are protective when grown.
Agaric, Fly (Amanita muscaria): POISON
Folk Name: Redcap Mushroom, Death Cap
Gender: Masculine
Planet: Mercury
Element: Air
Powers: Fertility
Place on an altar in a bedroom to increase fertility. NOTE: this is an absolutely poisonous mushroom and it is unwise to use it.
Agrimony (Agrimonia eupatoria):
Gender: Masculine
Planet: Jupiter
Element: Air
Powers: Protection, sleep
Used in protective sachets to banish and protect against goblins, evil, and poison. It is used to reverse spells or hexes sent against user. At one point, the presence of agrimony was used to detect the presence of Witches. Shielding and hex breaking, aids, sleep, brings luck, great for spell reversal.
Alfalfa (Medicago saliva):
Gender: Feminine
Planet: Venus
Element: Earth
Keep in the home to protect from poverty and hunger. It is best placed in a small jar in the cupboard. You can also burn the herb and scatter the ashes around the property. Can be used in money spells. Helpful in obtaining money or loans owed to you.
All Spice (Pimenta officinalis or P. Dioica):
Gender: Masculine
Planet: Mars
Element: Fire
Powers: Money, Luck, Healing
The immature fruit, particularly the shell or rind, which smells like a combination of cloves, juniper berries, cinnamon, and pepper, is used. Use it for protection, money and to increase energy. Business success, employment. Carry whole berries in the pocket to improve chances on interview or clients. Sprinkle powder across business for success. Burned as an incense to attract money or luck.
Almond (Prunis communis, P. dulcis):
Gender: Masculine
Planet: Mercury
Element: Air
Deities: Attis, Mercury, Thoth, Hermes
Powers: Money, Prosperity, Wisdom, Fertility
Helps mend broken hearts. Used in fertility charms, the flowers are used in hand fasting rituals. Climbing an almond tree is said to ensure success in business ventures. Eating almonds aids in combating fevers. 5 almonds before drinking prevents intoxication. Placing almonds in your pocket will lead you to treasure.
Aloe Vera (Aloe vera):
Gender: Feminine
Planet: Moon
Element: Water
Deities: Aphrodite
Powers: Protection, Luck, Glamour
Rub aloe vera on hands before gambling for luck. Add it to home protection spells. Love and beauty spells related to lunar energies. Use for any skin issues. Prevents household accidents. Hang above the doorway to drive away evil. Rub into body on full moon for sexual stamina and allure.
Amaranth (Amaranthus hypochondriacus):
Gender: Feminine
Planet: Saturn
Element: Fire
Deities: Artemis (others in general)
Powers: Healing, Protection, Invisibility
Used in pagan burial rituals. Used by Aztecs in rituals. A crown of amaranth on the head spreads healing. A wreath of amaranth worn confers invisibility. Used to decorate images of deities, since it has an association with immortality. To make sure you are never struck by a bullet, pull up a whole amaranth plant on a Friday during a full moon. Leave an offering to the plant and then fold it into a piece of white cloth. Where against your breast to be bullet proof. Dried amaranth flowers have been used to call forth the death and used to mend a broken heart.
Anemone (Anemone pulsatilla):
Gender: Masculine
Planet: Mars
Element: Fire
Powers: Health, Protection
Disease preventative. Gather blossoms when first seen in spring, wrap them in a red cloth and wear them to prevent disease. Grow them to protect garden and home. Use blossoms in all healing rituals.
Dark Moon. Use it in cursing magick to remove hexes. A few drops in the bathe will help remove hexes. Scrub down walls and floors with it to remove curses.
Angelica (angelica archangelica):
Gender: Masculine
Planet: Sun
Element: Fire
Powers: Exorcism, Protection, Healing
Burn the dried leaves for exorcisms, protection, and to ward off enchantments. Carry a piece as an amulet. Add to the bath to remove curses and bad luck. Hex breaker, house blessing. Improves digestion. Burn to banish evil in an area. Used in baths to remove curses on individual and used in home protection mixtures. Sprinkle in corners of home to ward off evil. Added to the bath, it removes hexes or any spells cast at you. Smoking the leaves is said to cause vision.
Anise Seed (Pimpinella anisum):
Gender: Masculine
Planet: Jupiter
Element: Air
Powers: Protection, Purification, Youth
These seeds can be stuffed into a small pillow to ward off nightmares. They also avert the evil eye. Nightmare prevention, divinaton, Used to relief coughs. Used in protection and meditation incenses. Averts evil eye. Purification baths combined with bay leaves. Drink Anise infused potions to curb appetite. Drink after meals to aid with digestion. Used for minor colds. Increase the power in all psychic workings.
Gender: Feminine
Planet: Venus
Element: Water
Deities: Venus, Dionysus, Olwen, Apollo, Hera, Athena, Aphrodite, Diana, Iduna
Powers: Love, Healing, Garden Magic, Immortality
F. Venus. Water. Also known as the Fruit of the Underworld and tree of love. Use for love, healing, and binding. Apple cider can be substituted for blood in rituals and spells. Fidelity, finding a lover, food of the dead, glamour, hunting. Bury an apple at the graves of loved ones or at your doorstep to feed the dead. Offer an apple when petitioning the goddess for new love. If you peel an apple all in one piece and throw the peel over your shoulder, it will fall in the shape of your future matesโ initials. Granny Apples eaten before bed aid in constipation. August 13 (Dianaโs Festival), apples were hung in boughs. Apples are left on altars during Samhain. Apples are a symbol of immortality. Blossoms are added to love sachets. Cut an apple into three pieces, rub on affected part of the body needing heals, then bury the pieces (during waning moon). Apple cider can be used in place of blood. *unicorns live under apple trees. Mabon and Samhain,
Apricot (Prunus armeniaca):
Gender: Feminine
Planet: Venus
Element: Water
Powers: Love
Use the juice in love potions or spell. The pits are carried to attract love. Use the pits for poppets for healing. The pit can be ground for healing as well.
Arabic, Gum (Acacia Senegal):
Gender: Masculine
Planet: Sun
Element: Air
Powers: Spirituality, Purification
See also Acacia. Raise spiritual consciousness. Sprinkle powder during rituals where requests or prayers are being made to deities.
Asafoetida (Ferula assa-foetida):
Gender: Masculine
Planet: Mars
Element: Fire
Powers: Exorcism, Purification, Protection
The most horrendous smelling herb ever--can cause vomiting when smelled. Burn small amounts for a exorcism. Destroys manifestations of spirits if thrown onto a fire during rites. Used in black magic for casting hexes on a person. Referred to as the devilโs incense to force someone to leave you alone.
Ash (Fraxinus excelsior or F. americana):
Gender: Masculine
Planet: SUn
Element: Fire
Deities: Uranus, Poseidon, Thor, Woden, Mars, Gwydion
Powers: Protection, Prosperity, Sea Rituals, Health, Willpower
Represented Yggdrasil, or the world tree. Carve a piece of ash wood into a solar cross (equal armed) and carry as a protection against drowning while at sea. Used in sea rituals. A staff of ash hung over doorposts wards off malign influences. Healing wands can be made of ash. If somebody has been bitten by a snake, tie ash twigs around the victims neck to cure the victim of negativity. Snakes have an innate fear of the ash tree. Burn ash during Yule, you will receive prosperity. Carry bark as a talisman when travelling across the sea.
Aspen (Polulus tremuloides)
Gender: Masculine
Element: Air
Powers: Eloquence, Anti-Theft
Used in anti-theft spells, and plant an aspen in your garden to be protected from thieves. Place an aspen leaf under your tongue if you wish to become eloquent.
Avens (Geum urbanum)
Gender: Masculine
Planet: Jupiter
Element: Fire
Powers: Exorcism, Purification, Love
Add to exorcism incenses or mixtures to sprinkle around an area. When worn as an amulet, it protects against attacks of venomous beasts.
Avocado (Persea americans):
Gender: Feminine
Planet: Venus
Element: Water
Powers: Love, Lust, Beauty
Eat the fruit to become infused with lust. Grow a plant from the pit to bring love into it. Carry a bit to promote beauty. Dry the skin and crush it into a fine powder to add into glamour incense.
Bachelorโs Buttons (Centarurea cyanus)
Gender: Feminine
Planet: Venus
Element: Water
Powers: Love
Women should wear this flower on their breast to attract the love of a man.
Balm of Gilead (Commiphora opobalsamum, Avies balsamea, Populus balsamifera var. balsamifera, P. jackii)
Gender: Feminine
Planet: Venus
Element: Water
Powers: Love, Manifestations, Protection, Healing
Carry the buds to mend a broken heart, or to attract a new love. Steep them in red wine for a simple love drink. Burn as a mertial basis for spirits, also carry for protective and healing. *there are multiple names for this plantโbe aware of what youโre buying
Bamboo (Bambusa Vulgaris):
Gender: Masculine
Deity: Hinna
Powers: Protection, Luck, Hex-Breaking, Wishes
Carve your wish on a piece of bamboo and bury it in a secluded place. Bamboo is a lucky plant. Carve a flute out of bamboo to call up good spirits. Grow bamboo for luck.
Barley (Hordeum spp. vulfare):
Gender: Feminine
Planet: Venus
Element: Earth
Powers: Love spells
On a full moon, thrown raw seeds to the four quarters to bring money into an establishment. Barley may be scattered on the ground to keep evil and negativity away.
Basil (Ocimum basilicum):
Gender: Masculine
Planet: Mars
Element: Fire
Deities: Vishnu, Erzulie
Powers: Love, Exorcism, Wealth, Flying, Protection
If you do a ritual cleansing of your home, follow it by sprinkling a little basil in the corners of each room and into a bath for yourself. Burn the dried leaves to chase out negative vibrations. Love, Exorcism, protection. Mars. Keep a basil plant on the window of your bedroom to ward off arguments. Infused oil is good on your skin if youโre sick. Drinking basil tea will help communicate with dragons and basilisks. Add basil leaves and parsley to your bath before sex to ensure lover remains faithful. Soothes tempers between lovers. Bails is primarily used for love. Place 2 basil leaves upon live coal: if they burn in place, the relationship will be harmonious, if there is crackling, there will be quarrels, if the leaves fly apart, the relationship is undesirable. Used to attract customers to business when placed in cash register. Basil is thrown onto floors, were it resides, no evil can lie. Witches were said to drink 1.2 cup of basil juice before flying off into air. Basil given as a gift brings good luck to a new home. Use for Imbolc.
Bay Laurel: M. Sun. Fire. Burn the leaves for visions and aid in divination. Place them inside a wish box to remove curses. Carry as an amulet to deflect negativity. Put a leaf under a pillow to help with prophetic dreams. Add to purification and healing incenses. Protection, healing, yule, imbolc. Sun. Protection mainly, purification. Bay was used to crown the victor of games in ancient Greece and Rome. Write a wish on a bay leaf and burn it--smoke is mildly hallucinogenic. Bay leaves were chewed or smoked and inhaled by priestesses of Apollo. Used in clairvoyance an wisdom brews. Burned to cause visions and placed beneath pillows for prophetic dreams. Planted near the home to protect inhabitants aganst sickness. Worn as an amulet to ward off negativity and evil. They are wished upon and burned.
BayBerry: Saturn. Use bayberry for protections and prosperity.
Beans: M. Mercury. Air. *some may be poisonous. Sacred to the Goddess of old Europe. Associated with the underworld and dead. Charm against evil sorcerers. Use Beans to appease the spirits of the dead. Throw some around the outside of the home if a ghost is bothering you.
Beer: M. Add a quart or so of beer to the bath for purification. Used against the evil eye or negative enery sent by someone jealous of you and who wants to cause harm.
Belladonna (deadly Nightshade: F. Saturn. Water. HECATE.Do not grow or use if you have pets or are inexperienced with herbs. Wear gloves at all time and it can seep through cuts. Never grow near edible plants. Label it with multiple markers. It has no use other than to poison someone. Do not cross contaminate bottles or bowls with this plant. (beautiful woman-women in ancient Rome would use it to dilate pupils) 3 berries can kill a child, 1 or 2 for a pet. Used in hexes and curses.
Bergamot: F. Air. Also called Bee Balm, the leaves of this herb make a delightful tea. Use in powders, incenses, and spell bags for good health and friendship. Helps boost confidence. Travel protection. Helps breaks bad habits. Used to bring clarity and good workingn order to the durface of any situation.
Betony: M. Jupiter. Fire. This herb, sacred to the Druids, is also called Bishopwort. It is a very protective, powerful herb that is used in spells to evict evil spirits and stop nightmares. Burn it in incenses, particularly at Summer Solstice, to purify and protect. If you sprinkle the dried herb near doors and windows, it will form a protective barrier to prevent unwanted energies from entering. It is traditional to burn betony on a fire and jump over the fire to purify the body of ills and evil. Grown near the home to protect the home. Place under pillow to protect against incubus or succubus or any night demons.
Birch: F. Venus. Water. A traditional broom is made out of birch twigs. Protection, purification, new beginnings, children, healing of wounds and burns. Yule.
Bistort: F. Saturn. Earth. This plant is also known as Patience Dock and Snakeweed. Because of its ability to strengthen psychic powers, it is added to divination incenses (frankincense). To attract money, sprinkle a little in your wallet or purse. Carry the dried root if your want to conceive a child. Associated with Saturn. Infusion sprinkled about a place will drive out poltergeists. Carried in money-attracting sachets.
Blackberries: F. Venus. Water. Eat for creative endeavors. Appropriate for lughnasadh and imbolc. Baked on Lughnasadh
Black Pepper: banishment, exorcism, hex breaking--black pepper, basil, garlic powder, cayenne for home protection on outside.
Blackthorn: Exorcisms, warding off negative spirits and general protection. Samhain.
Blood Root: Substitution for human blood. Make a wine. It is also thrown on the doorstep of a witch to send the spell back to the sorcerer.
Blue Bell: Luck, Truth: If you see a blue bell, pick it up and repeat: โBluebell, bluebell, bring me some luck nefore tomorrow nightโ & slip it into your shoe to seal the spell--you are compelled to tell the truth in all matters.
Blueberry: Protection: Place beneath doormat to keep undesirables away from property. Make blueberry pies or tarts when under psychic attacks.
Boneset: Born as an incense and chant to use during curses.
Borage: Jupiter. Place blossoms on an altar to ring luck and power to your spells. Sprinkles dried leaves around the workplace for inspiration and business expansion.
Buckthorne: F. Saturn. Water. Protection. Branches will drive away enchantments and sorceries according to Dioscorides. Legend: If one sprinkles buckthorn in a circle and then dances within it under a full moon, an elf will appear. The dancer must notice the elf and say, โhalt and grant my boon!โ before the creature flees. The elf will grant one wish.
Cactus: Cacti are protective. Used in witches bottles or used to scribe on candles.
Calendula: Attracts success and justice in legal matters. Increases psychic powers and aid prophetic dreams.
Caraway: M. Mercury. Air. The seed is used for protection and love. Carry the seeds for protection and to strengthen the memory. Anti-theft and you can create garden sachets to provent small animals from nibbling at plants and protective sachets or charms for the home. Protection against Lilith. Theft proof.
Cardamom: The dried ripe seed is used for love, creativity, and divination. Lust, Venus. Chew seeds before talking with would be lover and before audience you need to be eloquent. It relaxes the body and clarifies the mind. Use in handfastings.
Carnation: The flower is used for energy and protection and healing. Place on the altar for added energy and best for healin rituals. Excellent gift for the sick. Use to fight winter depression.
Catnip: F. Venus. Water. Carry catnip with you to attract love and popularity or to be safe when you are travelling. People give catnip to friends when they want lasting friendships. Consume the leaves to aid with menstrual pain. Sun. Love, beauty, happiness. Catnip leaves are presse and used as bookmarks. Hung over the door, attracts good spirits.
Cayenne: Hex breaking.
Cedar: Wood and needles from this tree were used by many ancient cultures in religious and magical rituals. It is associated with the Summer Solstice. Burn the wood or needles to repel evil and attract good spirits. Use a bough as a broom to sweep a ritual area. Healing, purification. Cedar bathes are used to purify the body. Cedar is hung in homes to protect against lightning strikes.
Cedar: courage, longevity, wealth, self-esteem, purification; given as an offering.
Celandine: Tradition says that your should carry this herb to court if your want a decision made in your favor. Carry a spell bag stuffed with this herb to avoid unlawful imprisonment. โCuresโ depression.
Centuary: Folklore says that snakes will not go around this plant. It is added to incenses to repel negative entities. Used only for snake removing.
Chamomile: M. Sun. Water. Chamomile is frequently found growing wild. Grow this herb in your garden to reverse spells cast against you. Add it to incense and spell bags to attract prosperity. Consume the flowers to aid with menstrual pain. Soothes anxiety, gently heals bad luck. Sleep and meditation.
CHickweed: Witches grass, use in moon spells, animal magic.
Chicory: Used to remove all obstacles that might crop up in your life. It was once thought to make the possessor invisible and to open locked boxes and doors if held against the locks-it has to be gathered with a gold knife in silence at noon or midnight on Midsummer. Banish depression. Summons feelings of happiness and contentment and banish turmoil and depression.
Chili Pepper: If youโve been cursed, scatter around home. Also used in lust powders.
Cinnamon: M. Sun. Fire. This ancient herb has a wide variety of magical uses. Burn it to attract the very highest spirits, heal, and stimulate clairvoyance. A mixture of cinnamon and myrrh makes a wonderful all-purpose incense. It also attracts prosperity. Carry a stick to attract wealth. Multipurpose must-have. Tremendouse amount of energy and can be added to anything. High Vibrations.
Cinquefoil: M. Jupiter. Fire. The entire herb is used for protection, love, prosperity, and healing. Hang above the door for protection. Eloquence, cunning, money, protection. (love, money, health, power, wisdom). Hang above the door or bed for protection. Use to bath or wash in to remove hexes. Carried for court cases to speek with eloquence when asking for favors from court officials. Purification bath satchets. Burn over a candle wax image to cause discomfort.
Clove: M. Jupiter. Fire. The part of the close used is the undeveloped blossoms. Grind and add to incenses and powder to stop gossip and repel negative forces. Add to spell bags to attract the opposite sex. Jupiter, banishing. Protection, mental abilities. Three cloves can be added to a sachet for purification so the charms action lasts longer. Potent for getting your way with people. Attract riches, drive away hostile energies. Burned to stop others from gossiping.
Clover: M. Mercury. Air. Protection from evil-protection, love Mercury. Lust, hex brakings, prosperity. Two Leaved: You will soon find a lover. Three-Leaved: worn as protective amulet. Four-Leaved: Helps men avoid military, protect against madness, detect presence of spirits, leads wearer to gold. If two people eat four leaved clover-love will result. Five-leaved: Attracting Money. White Clover: Work against hexes. Red Clover: Added to bath water when dealing with financial arrangements. Lust potions.
Comfrey: F. Saturn. Water. Put a piece of root in your luggage to ensure its safe arrival at your destination. Travel. Sacred to hecate. Place in car for luck and theft prevention.
Copper: Venus. Opens channels for love.
Coriander: M. Mars. Fire. Use the seeds in love charms. Mars, love health. Healing, love, lust. Add powdered seeds to wine for lust potion.
Corn: A bunch of cornstalks hung above a mirror bring good luck to the household. Add corn root to work against poverty and depression.
Cotton: Cotton is planted or scattered in the yard to keep ghosts away; cotton balls soaked in vinegar and placed on the windowsills keep evil at bay. To bring back a past love, place pepper into a piece of cotton and sew this into a sachet and wear. Burning cotton causes rain.
Cowslip: F. Venus. Water. Cowslip placed beneath front door discourages visiters, if you donโt want any. A bunch bundled in your hand will help you find treasure.
Cumin: Protection against theft, mars. Protection, anti theft, love. Cumin in bread will help prevent wood spirits from stealing it. Cumin burned with frankincense and scattered on the floor, is used to drive out evil. Cumin is steeped in wine for lust potion.
Cypress: F. Saturn. Earth. Protection, comfort, healing. Cypress used in crisis. Wear if attending a funeral-eases grief. Wood is used in lengthening life. Cypress wood should only be used in healing wands. Throw a sprig of cypress into a grave to give deceased luck and love.
Cypress: past life issues, comfort, protection, eases the loss of anything.
Daffodil: F. Venus. Water. Narcissus and asphodel; charms for love and fertility. Placed on altar for love spells. Placed in bedroom for fertility. Keep in the home for happiness.
Daisy: F. Water. Venus. Nature Spirits, love, children; Love and flirtation (he loves me, he doesnโt) offerings to Goddess on Beltane or Midsummer. Sleep with a daisy below your pillow and an absent lover may return to you.
Dandelion: M. Jupiter. Air. The leaves and root are used for divination and summoning spirits. Favorable winds. Longevity, enhances psychic ability, intuition, spiritual & emotional cleanser. The root, when dried and grounded, is used to make tea. Promotes psychic powers. To send a message to a loved one, blow the seeds in the direction and visualize the message. Carry dandelion root to help with depression.
Deerstongue: The leaf is used for love and repelling gossip. Also known as wild vanilla.
Devilโs Trumpet: extremely toxis. Part of the baneful group of plants.
Dill: M. Mercury. Fire. The entire herb and seed are used for protection and love. Protection of children. Mercury. Protection, love, attraction, weight loss. Protective when hung at the door-no one ill disposed or envious can enter. Dill stimuates lust, can be used in the bath.
Dock: M. Jupiter. Air. Used in money spells. Made into an infusion and scattered throughout business to attract customers.
Dragonโs Blood: M. Mars. Fire. This โherbโ is actually the resin of the fruit from a tree. Usually only a pinch is needed in incenses for its power to be felt. Add to incenses and bath salts for love, purification, and protection. Dragonโs Blood increases potency when burned with other incenses. Powder some dragonโs blood, mix it with sugar and salt, and place in a bottle somewhere around the house to not be found for noisy house.
Echinacea: Healing
Elecampane: Wild Sunflower. Used for initiating the first stages of healing. It can stir things up and offer a new beginning after experiences of grief or despair, especially when one has been in those lower vibrational states for an extended period of time. Used for topical skin care for reducing redness. Burn for sharpening scyring powers.
Elder: F. Venus. Water. This Druid sacred โtreeโ was once used to both bless and curse. It is sacred to the Goddess and an herb of the Summer Solstice. Stand under an elder tree on Summer Solstice to see Otherworld beings. Give to a bride to wish her a happy marriage. Flower: Protection from lightning, house blessing. If worn, it wards off attackers. Hang over the door and windows to protection from evil. The berries, when carried protect against evil. To bless a person, scatter berries and leaves of the elder over a person. Place elderbarries under pillow if you have trouble sleeping. Do not burn elder wood.
Elder: transformation and chage, peaceful sleep, self confidence. Witchwood; you need to ask permission three times before harvesting to prevent bad luck, crone aspect, berries are laxative and diuretic and induces perpiration, leaves are used as external emollient for irritated skin, sprains and bruises. Elderflowers as a tea encourages the body to perspire, thus helping fight a cold, and loosens chest. Elderflower is used for irritated skin, including sunburns and acne.
Elm: Protection, meditation, protects against slander.
Eucalyptus: F. Moon. Water .The leaves, pods, and oil are used for healing, cleansing, and stuffing poppets. Hang the leaves in a sickroom for healing. Associated with the moon. Hang branch or twig over the bed of the sick for healing.
Evening Primrose: Moon magick, love charms and attract fae.
Eyebright: Truth, pierces through illusion, certainty, psychic ability. Aids in memory. Infusion can be applied to eyelids on cotton pads to induce magical clairvoyance.
Feathers: Dove feathers-ward off nightmares, duck feathers-good luck in money;black hen feathers-protection from conjure; buzzard feathers-hang above door to avert illness.
Fennel: M. Mercury. Fire. Wards off negativity, protection, mercury. Keep fennel at your door during midsumer to keep fairies from entering your home. Fennel was used to ease hunger pangs for those fasting.
Fern: M. Mercury. Air. Use the entire herb. Burn outdoors to bring rain. Protective when near the doors of the home. Dried fern on hot coals is used to exorcise evil spirits.
Feverfew: This herb can be carried to protect against sickness and accidents. Use for headache and to clear your head. Plant in a pot only because it can spread rapidly in a garden. Often used in mojo bags with hyssop and rosemary. Protection against accidents when travelling and protection when working with spirits.
Flax: Money, protection, beauty--burn flaxseed over charcoal disk when sewing. To protect yourself while you sleep, place equal parts flax seed and mustard seed and place the mixture next to your bed. On the other side, place a pan of water. Flax seed over the altar is used for healing.
Foxglove: F. Venus. Water. Digitalis purpurea Leaves can be used to make black dye. It protects the home. Poison. One of the baneful plants. They are known as a beacon to faires. Do not injest, breathe smoke or make infusions.
Frankincense: M. Sun. Fire. The part of this โherbโ used is actually the resin or gum from a tree. It is burned to raise vibrations, purify, consecrate, protect, and exorcise. It also aids meditation. Very powerful vibrations that uplift those in the area, but drive out evil. Exorcism, protection, purification, consecration.
Fumitory: F. Saturn. Associated with the underworld and used at Samhain. Linked with spells for monetary gain, concecration, and pertection. Burn to protect against spirits.
Gardenia: F. Moon. Water. The flower is used for love passion. Wear a fresh flower to attract a lover. Associated with the Moon. Love, attraction, peace. Tranquility. Fresh blossoms are used in healing rooms. Added to moon incenses. Used to attract good spirits--high spiritual vibrations.
Garlic: M. Mars. Fire. Hecate. Healing, house blessing, protection, anti-theft. Keep garlic in kitchen to prevent kitchen accidents. Used to protect against physical and psychic vampirism. Stuffed in poppets for negative intent. Guard against the plague. Rub fresh, peeled cloves of garlic on afflicted part of body and throw into running water. Placed in home to guard agaiinst evil, keep out robbers and thieves, hung over the door to protect against envious people. Worn, it protects against foul weather. Use to rub pots and pans to remove negative vibrations.
Garlic Mustard: Can be used for open wounds in a dressing, it is an herb for healing and lust.
Geranium: F. Water. Venus. Love, healing, protection, fertility. Protection against snakes โSnakes will not go where geraniums growโ. Red geraniums, planted near a witches cottage told of coming visiters. Pink are used for loves spells while white are used in fertility.
Ginger: M. Mars. Fire. The root can be placed on the altar as an offering to Fairies and other nature spirits. Quickens spell work. Healing, love, money. Add to rituals and spells as a booster to enhance power. Ginger suppresses nausea and calms the stomach. Used to speed things up. Whole ginger roots are planted and grown to attract money.
Goldenrod: F. Venus. Air. To see your future love, wear a piece of goldenrod. He or she will appear later. When held in the hand, the flower nods in the direction of hidden or lost objects. Goldenrod is used in money spells.
Grass: Use green grass to mark a wish on a stone, visualize your need and then bury the stone or throw it in running water.
Ground Ivy: Used to be made into ale, but the beer was psychotropic and was later replaced. It is a fast growing weed that can be used for digestive issues. It is toxic. Use for beltane offerings. Early to grow in spring. Use ground ivy to discover who is working negative magick against you. Place the herb around the base of a yellow candle and burn it on a Tuesday. The person will become known to you.
Hawthorn: M. Mars. Fire. Make an infusion of the hawthorn blossoms that bloom near the first of May; it will purify anything it is sprinkled upon. Folklore says that the blossoms have a highly erotic scent that affects men. Protection, fertility. Hawthorn was once used to decorate maypoles. At one time Hawthornes were believed to be witches who had transformed themselves into trees. Witches have long danced and performed rites under these trees. Increased fertility. Hawthorne protects against lightning, and in the house which it resides, no evil ghost may enter. Sacred to fairies. โOak, Ash, and Thornโ. If all trees grow together you may see fairies.
Hawthorn: may tree, boundary marker, fairy favorite, fertility, harmony, the otherworld, happiness.
Hazel: M. Sun. Air. Hanging a string of hazelnuts will attract Fairies. Mental abilities, fertility. String nuts and hang in the house for luck, present to a bride for good fortune. They can be eaten prior to divination. To protect yourself or plants while outdoors, draw a circle in the dirt with a hazel twig around yourself. Hazel can be used to make all purpose wands.
Heather: F. Venus. Water. Hang heather in a widow to protect your home if you feel unsafe. Also, keep a sprig with you if you plan on doing something risky, such as bungee jumping. Rain, luck, protection. Heather is used for spells relating to new beginnings. Used at initiations. Carrying heather will attract positive energy. Burning wil bring rain. Heather that is white is the luckiest. Heather given to brides ensures good luck. Used to make brooms. Heather is carried to protect against violent crimes. Heather is used to conjure ghosts.
Heliotrope: M. Sun. Fire. Folk names are cherry pie. Use for exorcism and clairvoyance. Put the flowers under your pillow for prophetic dreams-especially related to finding lost things or people. Best harvested in august for x3 power. To become invisible, fill a small horn with heliotrope and your actions wonโt attract attention.
Hemlock: F. Saturn. Water. Hecate. Poisonous. Used in magic to induce astral projection and spells to destroy sexual drive. Juice is rubbed onto knives and swords to empower them before usage.
Hemp: F. Saturn. Water. Love spells and divinations. Mugwort and hemp burned before magic mirror to gain visions.
Henbane: Poison. F. Saturn. Water. Love bringin herb: To bring love, a man should hather henbane naked, early in the morning, whle standing on one foots. Hyoscyamus niger. Associated with magick, prophecy and necromancy.
Hibiscus: F. Venus. Water. The petals are good for scrying. You can use this to reconnect with your inner self, attract romantic love, and restore balance to your feminine side. The flowers of the red are brewed into string tea for lust inducing powers. โForbidden in Egyptโ. Blossoms used in love sachets and incenses. Place a hibiscous flowers in a bowl of water for love and llust.
High John the Conqueror: M. Mars. Fire. Carried to stop depression, protect from all hexes and curses. All purpose annointing oil. HJC roots in some kind of oil and leave for several weeks.
Holly: M. Mars. Fire. Folklore connects this tree with the Druids and the Winter Solstice. Grown near a house, the holly will repel negative spells and protect. The custom of decorating with holly boughs at the Winter Solstice is an ancient Pagan custom. Holly brought into the home at Yule invites the fae folk to shelter with you in the cold of winter, but these greens must be burned on Imbolc to ensure they donโt stick around. Holly burns very hot--suitable for fire festivals. Berries are poisonous. Planted around the home, it protects people against mischievous sorcerors. Holly is carried to promote goo dluck for men. Hung around house for luck at Yule. After midnight on a Friday, whtout making sound, ather nine holly leaves. Wrap them up in a white cloth with nine knots and place beneath pillow to make your dreams come true.
Honey: Attract good fortune, fertility and love. Leave as an offering when harvesting anything from nature.
Honeysuckle: M. Jupiter. Earth. The flower is used for prosperity and clairvoyance. Anoint a green candle with money oil, the ring the candle with honeysuckle flowers. Honeysuckle flowers may be used in spells designed to determine the true worth of person or things. Added in a honey jar. Burn honeysuckle to support any money drawing spell. Toxic for consumptions. Ring green candles with honeysuckle flowers to attract money. Lightly crush fresh flowers on head for psychic powers.
Hops: Mars. Highly protective. Used in the production of beer. Bathe in beer or drink beer for protection.
Horehound: M. Mercury. Air. Protective against evil doings. Helps with metal clarity during ritual. Scattered as an exorcism herb. Drink an infusion to promote quick thinking and strengthen mental powers.
Hyacinth: F. Venus. Water. Love, Happiness. THis plant grown in bedrooms protects against nightmares. Sniffing fresh flowers relieves grief and depression. Place in spray bottle with spring water to mist room and cure depression.
Hyssop: M. Jupiter. Fire. Long used as purification herb, hyssop can be added to consecrated water for cleansing sacred spots. Place at each window to ward off psychic attacks. Hyssop is easy and hardy to grow. Use as tea to stimulate digestion and used as couch suppressant. You can use it to sprinkle holy water around your home. You can also burn it for that purpose. Slightly toxic--small amounts only. The most widely used purification herb.
Iris: F. Venus. Water. Used for purification since Roman times. Fresh flowers placed in area to be cleaned. The three points mean โfaith, wisdom, valourโ.
Irish Moss: F. Moon. Water. Placed beneath rugs to increase luck and ensure steady flow of money. Used on tripes for safety. Used for luck. Ideal for gamblers. Attracts money and customers for self amployed.
Ivy: F. Saturn. Water. Ivy is carried by women and it gaurds against negativity and disaster.
Jasmine: F. Moon. Water. Add the dried flowers to love and prosperity charms. Associated with moon. The flowers are smelled to induce sleep.
Jobs Tears: Wishes, luck. Make a wish holding seven seeds and throw into water.
Juniper: M. Sun. Fire. Folklore says it was a holy tree in northern Europe. Mix it with thyme, and add to divination or trance incenses. A string of berries can be hung to attract love. Put some berries in your purse or car to protect from accidents. String the mature berries as a charm to attract a lover. Protection against accidents, protection against illness, cleansing, purification. Theft protection. Put juniper berries in car or in pocket to deter theft. (toxic-aka bastard killer). Juniper hung at the door protects against evil forces and persons.
Lavender: M. Mercury. Air. The ancient Egyptians use the flowers of this plant in purification baths. Lavender sticks can be burnt like incense and it is used in spells to strengthen love. Put into pillows to ease headache. Love spells and sachets. Wear lavender when you want to attract love. Flowers are burned to induce sleep and rest.
Lemon: F. Moon. Water. Used for divination, prophecy and eloquence. The scent improved concentration and the ability to memorize facts. Moon fruit, lemonade used for summer rituals. Home cleanser. Assists with digestion if drunk twice a day--especially for heavy menstration. Used to wash amulets, jewelry, and other magickal objects. Added to bath water at the time of the full moon for purification.
Lemon Balm: F. Moon. Water. The leaves of this lemon-Scented herb can be brewed into tea to help with depression. Use the dried leaves in love charms. Used in healing. Rub onto hives of bees to keep old ones and attract new ones. Keep attached to swords--it is said that a sword rubbed in lemon balm would immediately staunch the wound.
Lemon Verbena: M. Mercury. Air. Added to bath water for purification.
Lettuce: F. Water. Moon. Eat the leaves when struggling to sleep. When you want to preserve yourself against temptations of the flesh, eat luttuce.
Lilac: F. Venus. Water. Useful for attracting a quick romance. Protection, beauty, love. Drives away evil where it is planted. Can be placed in haunted house to help clear it.
Lily: F Moon. Water. Protection, love antidote, truth. Plant lilies in the garden to keep away ghosts and evil. Antidotes to love spells; where when afflicted. To bring clues in solving a crome comitted in the past year, bury and old piece of leather in a bed of lilies.
Lime: M. Sun. Fire. love, purification, luck. Take a fresh lime, pierce it with old nails, pikes, pins and needles and throw into a deep hole in the ground. It will rid of of all ills, hexes and so on.
Lotus: F. Moon. Water. Offering to gods. Used to ensure blessings from the gods.
Mandrake: M. Mercury. Fire. Hecate. Poisonous--do not consume. Prevents demons from entering. Mandrake intensifies magick. Root: Itโs used to guard against any misfortune. If you have a run of bad luck, hang a pouch of mandrake in the living area of your home to absorb the negativity, leaving everything neutral again. It is said that mandrake grows under the gallows of murderers, sprung from drippings of ciminals and shrieked when dug up. THe sound would kill a man or drive them insade. To avoid this, you are to tie a dog to the plants and have him pull it up in the manโs place. Some say you can only harvest it after dark, with a circle drawn around it 3 times. Once harvested, a witch must wash it in wine and wrap it in silk. Same family as nightshade. True mandrake species are (mandragora autumnalis, mandragora turcomanica, mandragora caulescens and the BEST, mandragora officinarum).
Maple: M. Jupiter. Air. Sweetness, prosperity, marriage, love, money. Maple is useful in moon magic and in spells related to travel, learning and decision-making, especially in matters related bringing about or dealing with change. Maple is also useful for spiritual healing. Maple syrup may be used in Kitchen Witchery for love spells and spiritual healing, i.e. soothing the psyche. Maple leaves are used in love spells and money rituals. Magical wands are used from maple.
Marigold: M. Sun. Fire. Pick the flowers while the moon is in Virgo and a dream will reveal who stole something from you. โPain and griefโ . Drunk in a tea for respiratory congestion. Added to bath water to soothe coughs. Used as offering for the dead on Samhain. Best picked at noon. Garlands of marigolds strung on doorsteps stop evil from entering. Scattered under the bed they protect you while asleep and make your dreams come true. Marigolds added to bathwater help win the respect and admiration of everyone you meet. If a girld touches the petals of the marigold with her bare feet, she will understand the languages of the birds.
Marjoram: M. Merccury. Air. Great for love spells. Put under pillow for divination spell to see future spouse. To attract spouse that you were dreaming about, but marjoram in vase in each room. Marjoram and thyme can be used as a fumigation to drive sadness house of home. Love spells. It is protective if placed around the house, renewed each month. Violets and marjoram mixed together, are worn to protect against colds. Marjoram = antidepressant.
Meadowsweet: M. Jupiter. Air. This was one of the three most sacred Druid herbs, along with wild mint and vervain. Sprinkle around the house and ritual area to attract blessings from the gods. Placed on altar for love spells. Strewn about house to keep peace. Gathered on midsummer, it will give information regarding thieves; if you have been robbed, place meadowsweet on water. If it sinks = man, if it floats = woman.
Mint: m. Mercury. Air. Hecate. add to incenses to cleanse and purify, breaks jinxes. Preserves health, protects travelers; eases headaches, stimulates appetite, and aids digestion. The scent can aid headaches, or ease congestion. Peppermint can be added to salves and massage oils for soothing muscles. Mint was used to mask the scent of decaying bodies and has ties to Hades. Peony and mint can drive away evil spirits and vain imaginations. Fresh mint on the altar will cal good spirits to be present during magick. Stuff a poppet with mint for stomach related issues.
Mistletoe: M. Sun. Air. Berries of this herb are poisonous if eaten by humans or pets. Tradition calls this an all-purpose herb that is hung to attract love, money, good health and protection. Good luck plant. Kiss under for lasting happiness. Druids revered mistletoe. Itโs best when grown on an oak. Cut on Midsummerโs day or when the moon is 6 days old. Protection against lightning, disease, misfortunes. Good luck when hunting. Very all purpose. Love.
Monkshood: Aconitum napellus One of the baneful plants. This cannot be handled without gloves. The whole plant is toxic. Said to have grown from the spittle of Cerberus. Associated with death and shapeshifting.
Moonwort: F. Moon. Water. The crescent-shaped leaflets and the fonds are used for love, divination and breaking locks. Associated with the moon. Used in money spells regarding silver.
Morning Glory: M. Saturn. Water. The root of morning glory may replace high john the conqueror. Seeds beneath the pillow stop all nightmares.
Moss: Moss is used to stuff poppets for all purpose. Carrying moss from a gravestone ensures luck.
Mugwort: F. Venus. Earth. This herb can be added to incenses for scrying with a crystal ball or magic mirror, divination, and strengthening psychic powers. Its powers are strongest when picked on the full moon. Gather it on the summer solstice for good luck. Litha. Divination, protection, strength, protects travelers, psychic powers. Fresh mugwort relieves burning itchying an pain on skin. Giner and mugwort aid with difficult menstruation. Mix the dry herb with honey and apply it to bruises to fade them. Encourages lucid dreaming. Place mugwort in shoes for strenth during long walk. Mugwort burned with sandalwood or wormwood is used before scrying rituals. Mugwort infusions with honey are drunk before scrying. Carrying mugwort, you cannot be harmed by poison, wild beats or sun stroke. The infusion of mugwort is used for cleaning scrying tools. Mugwort in a building prevents elves from entering.
Mulberry: M Mercury. Air. The fruit and bark are used. Use for gaining wisdom and understanding the deeper Mysteries. Wood is a protectant against evil.
Mullein: F. Saturn. Fire. Worn to keep wild animals away while hiking. Instills courage. Guards against nightmares in pillows. Hung over doors and windows--heavy protector against evil spirits and magick. Graveyard dust substitution. The downy leaves and stems can be used as wicks. Represents the cross roads. Offers protection against nightmares and hexing.
Myrrh: F. Moon. Water. Another resin, burn myrrh to purify and protect, heal and exorcise. This resin is sacred to the Great Goddess and was once considered to be Her tears. Purifies space, raises vibrations, and creates peace. Myrrh isnโt burned alone and increases vibrations of other incense. Myrhh is used in healing sachets and incenses. Blesses and purifies amulets, talismans, charms, and magickal tools. Usually with frankencense.
Myrtle: F. Venus. Water. Love herb. Leaves and flowers used for love spells. It is said if you drink a cup of myrtle tea every 3 days without fail you will preserve youthfulness. If a woman plants myrtle, it will be lucky.
Nasturtium: Banishing and releasing fear. Helps creates reality. Aids in creativity and independance.
Nettle: M. Mars. Fire. The entire herb is used for protection and exorcism. Stuff into poppets with this herb to remove a curse. Nettle can be used to drive spirits if your space is hunted. Cleansing, protects from danger, protects health. Remove a curse and send it back, place in a sashet or poppet. Sprinkle nettle around the house to keep evil out and throw it back. Freshly cut nettles placed beneath the bed will aid in the persons recovery.
Norfolk Island Pine: Mars. fire. M. Protection against hunger and evil spirits.
Nutmeg: M. Jupiter. Fire. The dried kernel of this herb is the nutmeg and the dried arillus of the seed is mace. You can carry it around for luck when gambling or in the courtroom. It is aphrodisiac in nature. Clairvoyance. Add a whole nutmeg into rune bag to enhance abilities. Drill holes in nutmeg and wear as necklace as healing charm. Used in money spells. Good luck charms.
Oak: M. Sun. Fire. Use a small piece of bark in a pouch or box to raise physical or emotional strength. Purification, protection. Druids would only meet for ritual if an oak was present. Two twigs of oak, tied with red thread to form a cross, is a potent safehuard against evil, hung in home. Acorns protect against lightning. If you catch a falling oak leaf you will not have a cold all winter. If a sick person is in a home, burn oak wood. Planting acorns in a new moon ensure money in the future.
Oakmoss: This lichen from oak trees fixes the scent in incenses. Add for money and protection.
Olive: M. Sun. Fire. Athena. On an olive leaf write Athenaโs name & press to forehead and will cure headache. Olive leaves are used for peace.
Onion: M. Mars. Fire. Healing, protection, purification. Small white onion, stick it full of black headed pins, and place in window to gaurd against evil. Halved or quartered onions in the house will absorb negativity and evil as well as disease. For healing, run a cut edge of an onion against an afflicted part, visualizing the disease going into the onion--burn, smash, or bury onion. String onions over doorways to gaurd against infections. Place beneath sink for same purpose. Never throw onion peels away, always burn to ensure riches of the home.
Orange: M. Sun. Fire. Love, joy, prosperity. Grind dried orange peel, lemon peel and vanilla bean together to burn as incense during social gatherings to strengthen bonds. The dried peel and seeds added to love sachets. Add fresh or dried blossoms to baths to make the bather more attrative. Orange peels is added to prosperity powders, incenses and mixtures.
Oregano: Peace. โJoy of the mountainโ create wreath from fresh branches to bring feelings of joy. Used in spells for happiness, tranquility, luck, health. Suitable decoration for a grave to ensure deceased finds happiness.
Pansy: F. Saturn. Water. Worn = Love. If pansies are picked with dew still on them, then it will soon rain.
Pear(tree): clarity, energy, confidence, reduction of stress.
Parsley: M. Mercury. Air. Healing, lust, passion, hex breaker, eases grief--in ancient greece, it was used to sprinkle corpses. Persephone is depicted holding parsley. It was used to decorate tombs. It is not recommended to bring indoors. The romans placed parsley on their plates to protect food from contamination and ate it to sweeten their breath afterwards. Used to communicate to the dead. Never collect parsley wild. It is placed on plates to protect it from contamination. Used in purification baths.
Patchouli: F. Saturn. Earth. Use this herb sparingly, as the odor can be quite strong. Used in money and prosperity mixtures. Substitutions for graveyard dust.
Peach: F. Venus. Water. Peach pits are used to keep demons away.
Pecans: Buy pecans, shell them and eat them while visualizing enjoying work and leave the shells somewhere
Pecan (Tree): career issues and job seeking, money, discipline hidden at work.
Pennyroyal: M. Mars. Fire. Placed in shoes to prevent weariness during travel and strengthens the body. It can cease fighting amungst couples. Peace, harmony and tranquility.
Peony: M. Sun. Fire. Pretective. It guards the body, spirit, and soul when worn. Protects against evil and storms in the garden. The roots are hung around the neck to guard from fairies. It should only be collected at night. Said to cure lunacy.
Pepper: M. Mars. Fire. Protection, purification. Added to amulets as a protectant against evil eye. When worn it frees the mind of envious thoughts.
Peppermint: M. Mercury. Fire. Make and infusion of peppermint leaves and sprinkle this around a ritual room to get rid of negative vibrations. Drink peppermint when you are cold or tired. Burn peppermint when practicing divination or while studying. Fresh peppermint will call forth good spirits. Rub against furniture, walls, and floorboards to cleanse them of evil.
Periwinkle: F. Venus. Water. Sorcererโs Violet. Periwinkle must be gathered like so: THe moon is one night old, nine nights old, eleven nights old or thirteen nights old. โI pray thee vinca pervinca, thee that art to be had for thy many useful qualities, that thou come to me glad blossoming with thy mainfulness, that thou outfit me so that I be shielded and prosperous and undamaged by poisons and water. It protects and attracts prosperity. It is thought to increase ones passions.
Petrified Wood: Sun. Use this for grounding and when you are in danger of losing touch with reality.
Pine: M. Mars. Air. Burn the crushed needles to purify and protect the home. A stronger blend for this purpose consists of pine, cedar, and juniper. Meditate under a pine tree or walk through a pine forest to get a new perspective on a situation and emerge with a renewed sense of purpose. Cones are carried to increase fertility. Gather a pine cone on midsummer--if you eat the seeds everyday you will be immune to gun shots. Pine needles are burned in winter to cleanse the house. Scattered on the floor they drive away evil.
Pine: prosperity, purification, health, exorcism; amber comes from fossilized pine sap; pine oil is used in cleaning products;
Plum: Love and healing, self-confidence.
Poplar (aspen): Astral projection, wisdom, mental healing, starting over
Poppy: F. Moon. Water, abundance; Red poppies are a symbol of rememberance. Poppies are said to pop up in places where men died in battle. Offerings to the dead. Hypnos, sometimes carried a poppy-the narcotic made from the opium poppy can bring death and sleep.
Poppy Seeds: Bake poppy seed cakes to leave out during Samhain to honor ancestors. Pleasure, love, luck. Aids sleep and insomnia. Use in stral projection.
Potato: Charms for good luck. Be used to carve into dolls.
Ragweed: Courage-drive away fear if you chew on the root or burn.
Raspberry: F. Venus. Water. Protection, menstrual issues, venus. Consume raspberries during magical works when trying to get pregnant. If a dead occurs, hang branches above the door.
Red Sanders: Also known as red sandalwood, the ground wood of this tree is used in incenses for protection, purification, love and healing.
Roots: A person studying magick should go to a field, find a weed and pull it up (roots and all). The amount of soil adhered to the plant will indicate the amount of power and the skill the student will attain.
Rose: F. Venus. Water. The flower is used for love, fertility, clairvoyant dreams, and healing. Burn petals for clairvoyance dreams. Roses are said to grow best when stolen.
Rosemary: M. Sun. FIre. The needles of this shrub are powerful against evil influences of any kind. Add to incenses and bathwater for purification, cleansing, exorcism, love and clear thinking. Great for cleansing of the home. Sun, Fire. Improves memory and concentration. Soothes itchy scalp, tea will ease headache. Burn rosemary to prevent nightmares. โWhere Rosemary flourishes, the Woman rulesโ-England, some believes rosemary can only grow if the mistress was the master. A man that is indifferent to the fragrance of rosemary is unable to give true love to a woman. Ruled by leo, fire, and the sun. Place rosemary under pillow to ward nightmares and keep pleasant dreams. Rosemary and juniper can be burned to drive away illness. Rosemary is great for hair--shines it and stimulates growth. Bathe in rosemary to enhance memory. When burned, it emits powerful cleaning and purifying vibrations. Dirves away nightmares when placed under the pillow. Placed in the bathe for purification. If you wish to receive knowledge or the answer to a question, burn rosemary on charcoal and smell its smoke.
Rowan: M. Sun. Fire. Rowan wood, carried, increases psychic powers. Add the berries and leaves to divination incensese. Planted Rowan keeps the deceased from haunting the place.
Rue: M. Mars. Fire. The Celts used this herb to defend against curses and spells of dark magic. Use a fresh sprig to sprinkle consecrated water when doing blessings and healings. Burn it to get things moving in your life. rue is worn in or placed over the doorway to protect from the evil eye and you can even get a little rue-shaped amulet called a cimaruta. Rue leaves on the forehead releive headaces. Used for healing poppets. Use fresh leaves and rub agianst the floorboards to send back any ill spells sent against you. A spring of rue is used to distribute salt water throughout the house. Rue grows best when stolen as well.
Saffron: M. Sun. Fire. The flower is used for purification, clairvoyance, and healing. Saffron is the most expensive spice in the world. It was used to dye robes for royalty. Traditional ingredient for crescent moon cakes. This is a plant that is worth growing. Added to love sachets. Use this to make and infusion with water to wash your hands before healing spells. An infusion, drunk dispels melancholy. Sheets are rinsed with saffron to strengthen your limbs.
Sage: N, Jupiter. Air. Use it in healing and prosperity spell bags and incenses. Hang it over the door to repel ill fortune. Immortality, longevity. Ensures long life. Eat everyday of may โHe who would live for aye, Must eat sage in Mayโ. It is bad luck to plant sage in your own garden-a stranger must do it. If you want a wish to come true, write it on a sage leaf and hige it below your pillow. Sleep on it for 3 nights. If you dream of what you desire it will materialize; if not then bury the sage in the ground.
Salt peter: Mars. Used in fire magick. Ritual use for purification.
Salt, Black: Makes the strongest circles for protection
Salt, Himalayan Pink:
Shepherdโs Purse: Used for slower bleeding with nose bleeds or menstruation. Saturn.
St. Johnโs Wort: M. Sun. Fire. If picked on Summer Solstice and hung in a window, it will repel ghosts and unwanted spirits. Courage, power of the sun. Usually a plant for midsummer rituals. It is medicinally used to treat mild depression. It renders birth control useless. Photosensitivity; wear sun protection. If it is gathered on Midsummer or on a Friday and worn it will keep mental inllness at bay and will also cure melancholy. When it is place in a jar near a window, it will protect against thunderbolts, fire and evil spirits. Carry to detect other magicians. Worn to prevent colds and fevers. Induces prophetic dreams. Protects again hexes.
Sandalwood, White: F. Moon. Water. Use the powdered wood alone or with other herbs in incenses for gaining occult knowledge, removing anxiety, protection, exorcism, and purification. Red sandalwood is not as strong. Burned during protection, healing, and exorcism spells. Mixed with lavender, it is used to conjure spirits. Possesses very high vibrations. Burn at a full moon with frankencense.
Slippery Elm: F. saturn. Air. Saturn, halts gossip/slander, enhances eloquence. Burn slippery elm and throw into the fire a knotted yellow cord--gossip will stop.
Snapdragon: M. Mars. Fire. Any part of the snapdragon worn will prevent people from deceiving you. If you are outside and feel evil nearby, step on a snapdragon or hold on of its flowers until the evil passes. Place a vase of snapdragon on the altar will performing protective rituals. If somebody sends negative energy, place a mirror behind snapdragons to send it back.
Spearmint: F. Venus. Water. Although like peppermint this herb is less powerful. It was highly esteemed for its cleaning properties.
Squill: M. Mars. Fire. โSea Onionโ. Hang squill over window for protection. To draw money, place on in a jar with silver coins.
Star Anise: M. Jupiter. Air. Burn whole starts when working with wish magic. Pendulums. Burn for psychic powers. Place on an altar in all directions for extra power. Seeds are burned as incense to increase psuchic powers and are worn for the same purpose.
Sunflowers: M. sun. Fire. Germinate the seeds and plant them during the summer solstice. If you cut a sunflower at sunset and make a wish, it will come true by the the next sundown (not a grand wish). Sleeping with a sunflower under the bed helps you know the truth. Guards against pests and gives gardeners good luck.
Thistle, Blessed: Also known as Holy Thistle,this herb can be added to incenses to break hexes or curses. Folklore says to grow it to deter thieves. Litha.
Thistle: M. Mars. Fire. A bowl of thistles placed in a room strengthens the spirits and renews the vitality of all within it. Carry thistles for strength. Grown in the garden, it wards of thieves. Thrown into a fire, it deflects lightning away from the home. Stuff hex breaking poppets with thistles. Thistles are strewn in homes and other buildings to exorcise evil. To call spirits, place thistles in boilding water. As the steam rises call the spirits and listen carefully.
Thyme: F. Venus. Water. Use the smoke of the burning leaves to purify an area or object. Crush a fresh leaf against your third eye to strengthen psychic powers. Purfication, psychic cleansing, healing, enhances memory]
Thyme can be used in magick spells to increase strength and courage.
When working hard to achieve a goal that seems un-achievable, thyme can be used in spells to help you keep a positive attitude.
Fumigate your home or make a floor wash with thyme to dispel melancholy, hopelessness and other mellow but negative vibrations, especially after a family tragedy or during a long sickness. Add marjoram to the mix to help draw joy back in while you're at it.
Place thyme beneath your pillow for a restful sleep and happy dreams and to prevent nightmares.
Faeries love thyme. Its addition to your garden will attract them and it can be used in spells to communicate with faeries.
Thyme is excellent in ritual baths and fumigation for early spring festivals when we seek to leave the old behind and begin anew.
Burned to attract good health. Restful sleep if placed under pillow. If you wear a sprig of thyme you will be irresistible. A magical cleaning bath composed of marjoram and thyme is taken to unsure all sorroes and ills of the past are removed from the perosn.
Tonka Bean: F. Venus. Water. Carry a bean to attract love.
Trefoil: This three-leaved herb symbolizes all triple deities. Carry a sprig for luck. Always leave a pinch of ginger as payment to the Fairies when you pick trefoil.
Tulip: Abundance prosperity magic. Safeguard against poverty and bad luck.
Vanilla: The bean is used. The bean is poisonous if ingested in large quantities. Use for love. Mix vanilla and sugar for love infusions.
Valerian: F. Venus. Water. Although this hern has a pungent odor, it can be used in spell bags for protections. Put on the altar if issues with pets arise. Valerian root is associated with the planet Jupiter and the element of water. It is also useful in Samhain and Yule celebration rituals.
Valerian root is useful in spells related to ending guilt and negative self talk and developing self acceptance. It is also useful in animal magic, especially cat magic and evoking animal spirits. Also, for turning bad situations around to one's advantage and finding the positive in a seemingly negative situation. Valerian root, powdered is used as graveyard dust. Valerian root added to sachets for love.
Venus Fly Traps: Love and protection.
Vervain/Verbena: F. Venus. Earth. Used in spells for cleansing, purification, love and protection. Grow plants in your garden for a steady flow of money. Burn it in incenses to defend against psychic attack. Hang on the bed to repel nightmares. All-purpouse healing herb--infusion calms headache, eases stress. Can be worn around the neck to protect form headaches. Used for altars of Jupiter. Crowned with Vervain. Traditionally gathered when neither sun not moon is out. Common in love mixtures. Commonly used in a bath. Used to conjure evil spirits and demons.
Vetiver: This herbโs root smells faintly like violets. Add it with rose petals to love incenses.
Violets: F. Venus. Water. They are associated with Venus or Pluto and are associated witht eh nymphs of ancient reek myths. Violets are associate with death and rebirth as well. They are useful in love spells and can be carried as amulets to increase luck in love. They are rich in antioxidants. Tranquility, love. Add into pillows to ward nightmares off. Powerful love stimulant when mixed with lavender. If you gather the first violet in spring your dearest wish will be granted.
Walnut: M. Sun. Fire. Bury walnuts at each corner of property for protection. Black walnuts can be used to make dyes. Make a wish using walnuts-cut it in half, eat the meat, write a wish out โi am/have __), put wish inside walnut-seal walnut with wax, bury it outside. . Toxic to animals. If a woman wishes to remain childless, she is to place as many roasted walnuts in her bodice that she wants to remain childless. Walnuts attract lightning. The leaves can be scattered about the house at sunset and left until moring and then swept out to get rid of troublesome spirits. Walnuts are also used in cursing, protection and uncrossing.
Walnut(tree): depression, healing, heals infertility.
Willow: F. Moon. Water. Communication, eloquence, protection. Used in wands dedicated to moon magick. If you wish to conjure spirits, mix crushed willow bark with sandalwood and burn at the waning moon outdoors. Magical brooms are bound with a willow branch.
Willow: wishes coming true, seductiveness, protection, energy to the sick. (wicker), affinity of water, growth and renewal.
Witch Hazel: M. Sun. Fire. Protection, chastity, healing of broken hearts. Divining Rods--carry to mend broken heart.
Wolfโs Bane: F. Saturn. Water. Hecate. Poisonous. Added to protection satchets, especially to guard against vampires and werewolves. Itโs also used to cure werewolves. The seeds wrapped in lizards skin will allow you to become invisible at will.
Wormwood: M. Mars. Fire. Diana. This is an addictive and poisonous herb if eaten or swallowed. It has a long history of being burned in incenses for prophecy, divination, and astral projection. Dark Moon, Samhain. Toxic. Worn and burned to aid in developing psychic powers. Protects vehicle from accidents when hung from review mirror. Burned to summon spirits. If burned in graveyards, spirits will rise and speak.
Yarrow: F. Venus. Water. Burn it in divination incenses. Put under the pillow for dreams of a future spouse. Marriage, love and friendship. Milfoil/bloodwort--used as a poultice to staunch blood. Great for tea or in a bathe if one is beginning an illness. Stops fear and grants courage. Dried yarrow over the bed ensures love lasting 7 years.
Yellow Dock: The powder stains badly, so store and use in items where a stain doesnโt matter. Use this ground herb in magical powders for money.
Yew: Poisonous-death associated, spirits and otherworld.