
Lughnasadh celebrates the first of the harvest holidays. It is the halfway point between the summer solstice and the autumn equinox. It is one of the Gaelic seasonal festivals, as well as Samhain, Imbolc, and Beltane. It corresponds with the more well known Lammas.

This celebration is named after the god, Lugh. It was originally a funeral feast and an event that held athletic events, markets and dances. It commemorates Lugh’s mother, Tailtiu, who is said to have passed away after clearing fields for agriculture in Ireland.

Today we celebrate this event with good food, local fairs, and an appreciate of the seasons. Take this time to appreciate the first bounties of your work and share it with others.


I am a seeker of knowledge; I simply want to better myself and help others that want the same for themselves.

Crystal & Stone Correspondents


Herb, Plant & Curios Correspondents: Folkloric & Historical Uses