Crystal & Stone Correspondents
*NOTE: This page is still under construction and all information may be incomplete.
Agate: A microgranular quarts, it is associated with courage, strength, love and protection. Blue: protection, Pink: love problems, green: good luck. Hold the stone between the hands to improve balance & create harmony. Used in healing rites.
Alexandrite: A gem of purples, greens, and violets, this gem is for luck, love and spiritual transformation.
Amazonite: A light green-blue stone that brings success, joy and self-expression. Awakens heart and throat chakras. Virgo. Moon. Stone of truth. Use during divination to increase clairvoyant ability. Used for emotional healing for women. When carried, improved your character and self esteem.
Amber: A fossilized resin that changes negative energy into positive. Relieves depression and anxiety of the mind. High Priestesses wear this stone in a coven. Charge with the sun. Leo. Beaded necklace for witches. Bring fame if it has an insect inside. Where or carry amber for protection and success.
Amethyst: A lavender-purple crystal that has a gentle vibration. It can be used for healing or to help calm stress and nerves. Keep near the person to help relieve stress. Make sure to cleanse it after by gently washing it and charging it under the full moon. Opens crown chakra. Jupiter. Best raw cut. Used to help break a bad habit. Bathe with to keep away negative influences. Hold to alleviate stress.
Apache’s Tear: A stone in the obsidian family, it is great for grounding oneself. You can use them to help relieve future anxieties. Use the stone to rectify karmic situations, especially those having to do with land ownership. Carry the stone for luck and to bring forgiveness and settle grievances between enemies.
Apatite: Intellect. Focus. Clarity. A stone of Manifestation, it promotes a humanitarian outlook and encourages service to others. It is known for its ability to grow personal power to achieve goals. It stimulates the development of psychic gifts. It clears confusion and enhances creativity. Blue Apatite connects to a very high level of spiritual guidance.
Aquamarine: A pale sea green stone that enhances meditation. Good for distant healing and sending cleansing and healing energy to the oceans and ocean creatures. Leave in sea water under a full moon. Carry this stone for traveling on or over water. Meditate with this stone to help open the creative unconciousness.
Aragonite: Aragonite provides strength and support, helping to combat anger and emotional stress. Aragonite is attuned to the Earth, encouraging conservation and recycling. It is a reliable earth-healer and grounding stone. Its special quality is its ability to help you determine when enough is enough. If you tend to be hyper-vigilant, this stone can help relieve the compulsion behind the behavior
Aura Quartz: Aura Quartz is a man made crystal packed with energy. It is mixed with quartz and precious metals to produce the brilliant rainbows and flares. Each one is unique and can have the traits of both the quartz and the metal used in the infusion. One popular type is the angel aura quartz. It is typically a light blue quartz with loads of iridescence. It allows one to enter a state of serenity and peace. It is made of clear quartz and metals such as silver and platinum. Another popular version is Aqua Aura Quartz. It is the most popular of all the aura quartz and can be identified by its deep aqua color. It has a intense vibration and is exceptional for releasing negativity and stress, and healing and soothing your aura. It protects mostly from psychic attacks, energy drain and vampirism.
Aventurine: Typically a pale green stone that opens the heart chakra. Called the stone of opportunity. Used for luck and creativity. It releases old patterns, habits and disappointments so new growth can take place. Hold and warm the stone between hands while making a travel or dream vacation wish. Add to job and money rituals to bring more success. Calm the nerves and create balance in physical body. There is a red variety that is known as a stone of action. It increases the flow of prana (life force) to get things done. It inspires creativity, sexuality, and renews excitement in bringing one’s projects, goals, and desires in reality.
Azurite: A soft, bright blue copper mineral that is used mainly to enhance psychic abilities. Do not cleanse in water and handle with care. Charge with the sun. Give this to someone that you think is lying and it will encourage them to tell the truth. Honesty in love relationships. Meditate on azurite and it will help those involved see things from the other’s perspective. Great to use whe patience is needed when you are attempting to transform a relationship.
Beryl: A gem that comes in many colors, it is used for protection from the weather and water.
Bloodstone: Known as “Christ’s Stone”. (Heliotrope). A green stone with jasper flakes. The stone’s energy carries the purity of blood and speaks of life and birth, vitality and strength, passion and courage. It has been used by romans and early Christians alike as a talisman for healing and abundance in health. It is a great stone for physical endurance and mental stimulation. It is a healing stone. Mars, Aries, Libra, Pisces.
Blue Chalcedony: Known as the “Speaker’s Stone”. It aids immensly for public speakers. It can help one keep inner peace and can aid in holding back words that you may later regret. It is known to be beneficial for actors to have before going on stage as well. Though carnelian is typically known as an “actor’s stone” because of its courage—blue chalcedony aids in keeping inner serenity and better self reflection.
Calcite: Mercury. A stone occurring in multiple colors. Used for centering and grounding. Do not cleanse in water or the sun--use smoke. Powerful tool to open brains psychic centers. Especially useful for astral travel. Gold calcite for memory, green calcite for physical and emotional health, white for eloquence (use for composing prayer), gray for negativity, red to get in touch with feelings.
Carnelian: A stone with a variety of reds, oranges, ambers and browns. It is used for protection against negative energies. It can be used to enhance one's courage and express one's individuality without aggression. It is also known as the “actors stone”. Great for creativity and protecting against negativity. Sun, Taurus, Cancer.
Celestite: A blue transparent crystal used for astral travel and communication with angels. Highly recommended to use to instill a sense of peace and an overwhelming awareness of belonging to something as great as the universe. Great for calming fears of an overactive mind. Great for dream recall or out of body travel.
Chrysocolla: A blue and grey stone used for vitality and helps alleviate fears and tensions. Chyrsocolla is first and foremost a Stone of Communication. Its very essence is devoted to expression, empowerment and teaching. The serenity of its turquoise-blue color discharges negative energies, calms, and allows truth and inner wisdom to surface and be heard. A peaceful stone, it emphasizes the power our words and actions have on those around us, and encourages compassion and strengthening of character.
Chrysoprase: A green stone that lifts the spirits. Used for joy and happiness.
Citrine: A stone with colors of the sun. It is a harmonizing stone that helps promote peace with the world. It’s useful to hold when you feel lonely or you are angry and need a bit of calming. Citrine can also be used alongside money spells. Aries, Gemini, Leo, Libra, Sun.
Coral: Coral is used for feminine health issues and protection.
Dalmation Jasper: Actually not a jasper—it is made of feldspar and quartz, with spots of iron oxide, tourmaline or other minerals. It has a low vibrational energy and should always be used long term. It encourages one to carefully think over plans, reflecting every phase of development. Perfect for starting anew on a business or solo venture. Great for the workplace amongst the team.
Diamond: Stone of Invincibility. A gem that brings courage and strength. A symbol of wealth and manifesting abundance into ones life. Highly effective in magnifying the vibrations of other crystals.
Emerald: Stone of Successful Love. It is soothing and brings freshness and vitality to the spirits. It embodies unity and compassion. Emerald promotes friendships and balance between partners. It is recommended to use emerald in reviving a passion—whether a person, interest or job. Wear out to attract love.
Fluorite: A reddish to clear stone used to fight mental illness and stabilize relationships.
Garnet: A gem to help stimulate your desires and uplift your attitude. Aids in patience and increases sexual appetite. Aquarius.
Geode: Fertility.
Hematite: A shiny black, slate-grey, or silvery red mineral used for safety during astral travel. This crystal is good for people with circulatory problems or anemia. It is also useful for memory and mental stimulation. Wear during a lengthy or difficult spell. Wear this as a necklace to tap into a previous existence as a witch to collect past knowledge.
Jade: A green toned stone that promotes wisdom, balance, and peace. Venus, Aries, Water.
Jasper: A brown stone used for stabilizing. Use after a ritual to ground yourself.
Jet: A fossilized wood. It removes unwanted energy and is great for healing grief.
Lapis Lazuli: A blue stone that wards off negative energy. It alleviates migraines and problems with the throat. Use this stone to enhance psychic abilities. Venus, Sagittarius.
Malachite: A deep emerald green stone that has strong protective properties. Best handles polished because of its toxicity when raw, this stone is known to break or splinter when there is impending danger or to ward of negative energies. It also helps to ward off nightmares and illnesses. Scorpio, Capricorn, Venus.
Meteorite: A mineral that helps enhance connections with extraterrestrial energies.
Moldavite: A rare and precious natural glass gem, bottle-green in color is difficult to find. It is meant for very grounded individuals. Sensitive individuals can easily become overwhelmed with this stone.
Moonstone: A translucent stone that is tied with the moon. A feminine crystal linked to the reproductive organs, the menstrual cycle, and female hormones. You can wear moonstone during tarot or tea-leaf divination. Cancer, Libra.
Obsidian: A place mineral formed by lava, it is associate with the Goddess. It is a stone good for those that are soft-hearted and gentle to protect them from abuse.
Onyx: A black stone that protects one's self from another persons magick. Leo.
Opal: A multicolor gemstone used to gift the wearer invisibility. Wrap the gem with bay leaf and carry on the person. They are meant to bring out inner beauty. Spell: Place a mirror on the altar and light two green candles. Look into the mirror and imagine the shift of beauty into something you desire.
Peridot: A green stone found in meteorites that reduces stress and stimulates the mind. Used to accelerate self growth.
Pyrite: a fools gold colored stone, used to enhance the emotional body.
Quartz, clear: A very common mineral on earth. A multipurpose stone that can be included on any spell. It is great for balancing emotions.
Quartz, rose: A pale pink stone used for all things romantic.
Rhodochrosite: A bright orange and red stone that can help restore balance to the min after trauma. It can bring new love into your life. Leo, Scorpio, Mars, Fire.
Ruby: A red gem that aids courage and prosperity. It can be used to ward off nightmares and bring spiritual devotion. Leo, Aries.
Sapphire: A blue stone (same family as ruby), that is used to enhance psychic abilities. Virgo, Water.
Selenite: Moon, energy, healing, accents reality, dissolves guilt.
Sodalite: A grey multicolored stone clears the mind for deeper thinking. It grounds those that overreact emotionally.
Tiger’s Eye: A layered gold and brown stone, it represents strength, power, and elegance, legal issues, business, money
Topaz: A orange gem used for conquering fears. It relieves depression, insomnia, and headaches.
Tourmaline, Green: A green and pink stone, it is used for love and friendship.
Turquoise: A stone used to mainly ward off the evil eye or to protect yourself from negative people or influences. It is useful to have when moving into a new home with new energies. It can be carried during travel. Scorpio, Venus.
Cleansing Stones
• Leave it in sunlight or moonlight for a specific period of time.
*Put a small mirror underneath to increase efficiency of purification.
• Bury it in a small dish of salt for one to three days. Salt is a natural purifier.
Never use salt to cleanse a stone that has iron in it, such as hematite, or if it
is set in metal, for the metal will rust.
• Bury it in a small dish of dirt for a measured period of time. Earth will accom-
plish the same purpose in the same way that salt does, though it may take longer.
• Immerse the stone in water for a measured period of time. Moving water will
purify it faster, although leaving the stone in a small bowl of water for a longer
period will work as well. You can add a small pinch of salt to the dish of water
to speed the process, unless you are cleansing a stone set in metal or a stone
with iron content, such as hematite.