Snow Magick

About snow as magick:

Snow is a great purification & protection tool for any person with access to snow. Because it is water, it hold the same abilities and as a bonus, it has already been charged under the sun & moon light.

You can collect the snow and store it in a freezer ( I used to store snowballs in the deep freeze so I could surprised attack friends with snowballs in summer)

You can take the snow and melt it to use the water.

If it was collected during a blizzard, remember it will hold that energy.

Please, do not ingest or consume anything you use this water in. If you feel you must, please boil the water & stay away from the lemon snow.


-        You can use snow in banishing or releasing rituals: pack snow into a ball or small mound and infuse it with energy of something you would like to release. As the snow melts, your intention will go with it and be purified by the new water formed. You can carve a sigil or place a water friendly stone in it as well to enhance your intentions.


-        Make the melted snow into a floor/door/window wash to protect your home. Freeze those that wish to do harm to you to freeze in their tracks.

-        Build a snowman/or animal, and fortify it to protect your home from unwanted intruders.


-        You can bless your space with the sacred melted snow. You can use stored snow later during summer months for an extra dose of purification.

-        Purifying your magickal tools and purify amulets.

Other options for usage

Water scrying or hydromancy.

You can even use icicles for magick too. Sometimes a snow poppet that represents a certain someone could use a few pokes from icicles.


Graveyard dirt? How about graveyard snow?

Similar to graveyard dirt, can use graveyard snow similarly. Graveyard dirt as been used in many folk practices for its potent abilities (I will make a post on graveyard dirt later). Generally, it was used for home protection, ending of relationships, new beginnings, crossroad magick, communicating with dead, and curses.  

-        Use graveyard snow for more intense purification/cleansing spells and rituals.

-        Leave it as an offering on your altar for ancestors or spirits. (very appropriate if you use graveyard snow).

Nova Elizakiel

Novice cosplayer that loves both the world of fantasy & things occult. Seeker of knowledge to help others with their spiritual journey. I just want to be a helping hand and make great friends. Very into anime & gaming. You can support me elsewhere such as Twitch! Click here for all my personal socials & links.

Kitchen Witchcraft (basics)


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